Screening Recommendations
Cancer screenings check your body for cancer before you have symptoms. Cancer screenings may find breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early.
Cancer treatment works best when cancers are caught early.
Breast cancer screening guidelines
Breast cancer is a disease where cells in the breast grow out of control. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells turn into cancer.
Other exams, screenings, and vaccinations

Cancer prevention immunizations
There are two vaccines that can protect you from getting cancer.
The HPV vaccine protects you from 6 types of cancer (cervical, vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharyngeal).
The Hepatitis B vaccine protects you from getting liver cancer.
Existen dos vacunas que pueden protegerle contra el cáncer. Lea información sobre la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) y la vacuna contra la hepatitis B.

Cervical cancer screening guidelines
The Utah Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program recommends if you are 21 or older, you talk to your doctor about getting screened for cervical cancer.
Your doctor will be able to recommend the best screening option for you.
El programa de detección de cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino en Utah recomienda que, si tiene 21 años o más, hable con su médico acerca de hacerse una prueba de detección del cáncer de cuello uterino. Su médico podrá recomendarle la mejor opción de detección para usted.

HPV vaccine
The HPV vaccine is recommended for preteen boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 12 so they are protected before ever being exposed to the virus.
Lea información sobre vacuna contra el VPH, recomendada para niños y niñas preadolescentes entre los 9 y 12 años para que estén protegidos antes de estar expuestos al virus.
Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer screening is recommended only for adults who are at high risk for developing the disease because of their smoking history and age.
Colorectal (colon) cancer screening
Colorectal (Colon) cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon, which can be removed before they turn into cancer.
Screening can find cancer early, when treatment works best.
El cáncer colorrectal casi siempre se desarrolla a partir de pólipos precancerosos (crecimiento de tejido anómalo) en el colon o el recto. Las pruebas de detección permiten encontrar los pólipos precancerosos y extirparse antes de que se conviertan en cáncer. Las pruebas de detección también pueden descubrir cáncer colorrectal en un estadio temprano, cuando el tratamiento es más eficaz.

Prostate cancer screening
Prostate cancer screening is an individual one. Men who are 55-69 years old should discuss a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) before being screened.
Men who are 70 and older should not be screened for prostate cancer routinely.
Cholesterol screening
Having high cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke. There are no signs or symptoms of high cholesterol. A blood test is the only way to find out if you are at risk.
Tener el colesterol alto lo pone en riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardíacas e infarto. No hay signos o síntomas de tener el colesterol alto. La única manera de saber si está en riesgo es haciéndose un análisis de sangre.

Oral health screening
Oral HPV can cause cancer in the mouth or back of the throat. Finding oropharyngeal cancers early is critical to increasing the survival rate for these cancers.
Diabetes screening
People aged 45 or older should be tested for diabetes, especially if you are overweight.
If you are younger than 45, but have risk factors, you should talk to your doctor about getting tested.
Las personas de 45 años o más deben hacerse una prueba de diabetes, especialmente si tienen sobrepeso. Si tiene menos de 45 años, pero tiene factores de riesgo, debe hablar con su médico acerca de hacerse la prueba.

High blood pressure screening
Having high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke.
There are no signs or symptoms of high blood pressure. Measuring your blood pressure is the only way to know if it is high.
Tener presión arterial alta lo pone en riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad cardíaca y un derrame cerebral. No hay signos o síntomas de presión arterial alta. Medir su presión arterial es la única forma de saber si está alta.